Featured Articles
February 16, 2022
January 24, 2022
New colorectal cancer screening recommendations released
November 15, 2021
How will you handle the Medicare payment cuts?
November 8, 2021
AGA recommends change in testing protocol for cirrhosis patients
November 4, 2021
The clinician’s NASH epidemic toolkit
November 2, 2021
EoE care between gastroenterology, allergy and nutrition
November 2, 2021
3 resources for DDW® abstract submission
November 1, 2021
Thanking those who made a difference for AGA Giving Day
October 27, 2021
Image challenge: Nodules on the lower legs with ankle joint pain
October 26, 2021
Final chance to submit AGA leadership nominations
October 25, 2021
AGA Pocket Guides
Official AGA Institute quick-reference tools provide healthcare providers and students with instant access to current guidelines and clinical care pathways in a clear, concise format. AGA Institute pocket guides are available in print and digital form.
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AGA clinical guidance
Find the latest evidence-based recommendations for treating your patients.