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Recognition Awards

Each year, AGA honors a number of individuals for their outstanding contributions to the field of gastroenterology. Meet our 2021 winners

AGA will announce the 2024 Recognition Award Recipients in Spring 2024.

Established in 1968, this recognition prize honors a senior investigator who has made major accomplishments in basic research that have significantly advanced the science and/or practice of gastroenterology. For the purpose of this award, the term “gastroenterology” encompasses any gastrointestinal discipline, including hepatology. Learn more >

Created in 1995, the Distinguished Clinician Awards recognize two members of the practicing community who combine the art of medicine with the skills demanded by the scientific body of knowledge in service to their patients. One prize is awarded to an individual in private practice, and the other to an individual in an academic setting. Learn more >

Created in 1987, the Distinguished Educator Award recognizes one individual for their achievements as an outstanding educator. Learn more >

Established in 2004, this recognition prize honors an individual for achievements as an outstanding mentor over a lifelong career. Learn more >

Established in 2021, the Distinguished Service Award in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion honors an individual who has promoted diversity, equity and inclusion within AGA and the broader gastroenterology community. Learn more >

Created in 1941, the Julius Friedenwald Medal recognizes an individual who has made lifelong contributions to the field of gastroenterology. Learn more >

Created in 1976, the William Beaumont Prize recognizes an individual who has made a major contribution that has significantly advanced the care of patients with digestive diseases through clinical or translational research. Since 2015, the prize has been awarded annually.
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Elevated to a recognition prize in 2014, this award honors two young investigators, one in basic science and one in clinical science, for outstanding research achievements. Learn more >

Established in 1972, the Outstanding Service Award honors an individual who has contributed significantly to society’s health and welfare. Only members of the AGA Governing Board may nominate individuals for consideration. Learn more > 

Established in 2006, this award recognizes an individual who has significantly advanced gastroenterological science and research through dedicated efforts. Only members of the AGA Governing Board may nominate individuals for consideration. Learn more >

Please forward questions about the AGA Institute Council Section Research Mentor Award to [email protected] or 301-941-2635 and questions about the AGA Recognition Prizes to [email protected] or 301-941-2619.