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AGA sharpens focus on women

As the number of women in gastroenterology grows, so does AGA’s portfolio of programs focused on maximizing the role of women in GI.
Women in GI
Women in GI

A tangible way AGA supports female leadership and career advancement is the Women in GI Regional Workshops. Throughout 2024, these workshops provide opportunities for networking, business and financial education training, burnout prevention strategies and career advice.   

Bigger picture, AGA’s Gender Equity Framework paints a compelling vision for the future in six domains: 

AGA Gender Equity Framework

In the coming years, AGA committees will collaborate with the AGA Women’s Committee to achieve the vision laid out in the AGA Gender Equity Framework. Thank you to the AGA Women’s Committee, which created the framework, under the leadership of chair Aimee Lucas, MD, MS, AGAF, and within the auspices of the AGA Equity Project. 

Learn more about the
AGA Equity Project

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