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AGA campaign to block UHC's GI prior auth policy

UnitedHealthcare (UHC) now requires “advance notification” for GI endoscopy services. AGA believes this is a way for UHC to lay the groundwork for future prior authorization requirements.

AGA priority: Protecting GI patients and practices from prior auth policies — especially what UnitedHealthcare is planning for 2024

Here's how we're fighting for GI

AGA will not let UHC quietly role out a prior authorization program that will impact millions of patients nationwide.

UHC media mentions of AGA + prior authorization

Latest news

Picture of Dr. Barbara Jung

Dr. Barbara Jung

The ‘Gold Card’ ShuffleKFF Health News, Feb. 29, 2024


After weeks of protest from AGA and the GI community, UnitedHealthcare shelved the prior authorization policy for GI endoscopy planned to go into effect June 1, but replaced it with a nebulous Advance Notification Program

This program requires you to provide even more data on top of the current burdensome paperwork requirements. It is a temporary patch – patients will not be denied care immediately, but this program lays the groundwork for a sweeping prior authorization program in 2024.

Bottom line: Patients should have timely access to the care their health care providers deem medically necessary.

For more information

Contact the AGA Government Affairs team: [email protected]. Media: contact Rebecca Reid at [email protected] or 410-212-3843.