Physicians & Scientists Outside of North America
Physicians & Scientists Outside of North America
Membership is open to physicians, surgeons, scientists and other persons residing outside North America who meet one or more of the following criteria and have one of the following degrees or certifications (MD, PhD, ScD, DVM, DO or equivalent):
- A physician or scientist with a faculty appointment in gastroenterology.
- Published articles clearly related to gastroenterology in a peer-reviewed journal.
- Completed an analogous postgraduate training program outside of North America in gastroenterology.
- A demonstrated professional commitment to gastroenterology, such as through membership in a national society with a special interest in peer-reviewed gastroenterology, specialized practice or function in gastroenterology, research, participation in training of physicians in gastroenterology, or other evidence as may be applicable.
Annual Dues*
$205 | $55 | $40
Tiered dues offered
to early career members
Corresponding I: $205
Corresponding II: $55
Affiliate Memberships: $40
Application Fee: $40 | $25 | $25
Month Application Received | Fellowship ended before 2021 | Fellowship ended 2021 | Fellowship ended 2022 | Fellowship ended after Jan. 1, 2023 |
January | $450 | $350 | $300 | $200 |
February | $413 | $321 | $275 | $184 |
March | $375 | $292 | $250 | $167 |
April | $338 | $263 | $225 | $150 |
May | $300 | $234 | $200 | $134 |
June | $263 | $205 | $175 | $117 |
July | $225 | $175 | $150 | $100 |
August | $188 | $146 | $125 | $84 |
September | $150 | $117 | $100 | 67 |
October | $113 | $88 | $75 | $50 |
November | $75 | $59 | $50 | $34 |
December | $38 | $30 | $25 | $17 |
Annual Dues Amount | $450 | $350 | $300 | $200 |
Month Application Received | International Corresponding Category I Dues | International Corresponding Category II Dues |
January | $205 | $55 |
February | $188 | $51 |
March | $171 | $46 |
April | $154 | $42 |
May | $137 | $37 |
June | $120 | $33 |
July | $103 | $28 |
August | $86 | $23 |
September | $69 | $19 |
October | $52 | $14 |
November | $35 | $10 |
December | $18 | $5 |
Annual Dues Amount | $205 | $55 |
Month Application Received | Affiliate Dues |
January | $40 |
February | $37 |
March | $34 |
April | $30 |
May | $27 |
June | $24 |
July | $20 |
August | $17 |
September | $14 |
October | $10 |
November | $7 |
December | $4 |
Annual Dues Amount | $40 |
Month Application Received | Fellowship ended before 2020 | Fellowship ended 2020 | Fellowship ended 2021 | Fellowship ended after Jan. 1, 2022 |
January | $413 | $321 | $275 | $184 |
February | $375 | $292 | $250 | $167 |
March | $338 | $263 | $225 | $150 |
April | $300 | $234 | $200 | $134 |
May | $263 | $205 | $175 | $117 |
June | $225 | $175 | $150 | $100 |
July | $188 | $146 | $125 | $84 |
August | $150 | $117 | $100 | $67 |
September | $113 | $88 | $75 | $50 |
October | $75 | $59 | $50 | $34 |
November | $38 | $30 | $25 | $17 |
December | $450 | $350 | $300 | $200 |
Annual Dues Amount | $450 | $350 | $300 | $200 |
Month Application Received | International Corresponding Category I Dues | International Corresponding Category II Dues |
January | $188 | $51 |
February | $171 | $46 |
March | $154 | $42 |
April | $137 | $37 |
May | $120 | $33 |
June | $103 | $28 |
July | $86 | $23 |
August | $69 | $19 |
September | $52 | $14 |
October | $35 | $10 |
November | $18 | $5 |
December | $205 | $55 |
Annual Dues Amount | $205 | $55 |
Month Application Received | Affiliate Dues |
January | $37 |
February | $34 |
March | $30 |
April | $27 |
May | $24 |
June | $20 |
July | $17 |
August | $14 |
September | $10 |
October | $7 |
November | $4 |
December | $40 |
Annual Dues Amount | $40 |