If you’re looking for research funding, it’s time to start working on your 2019 AGA Research Scholar Award (RSA) application. The deadline to apply for this three-year grant is Dec. 14, 2018, but it takes time to gather all of the required information and submit a strong application, so we recommend starting early.
To help you get started, here are answers to common questions we receive during the application period. Have a question that’s not listed here? Post it in the AGA Community and our research awards manager will respond to your question within 1 business day.
1. Is the AGA Research Scholar Award right for me?
The objective of the Research Scholar Award is to enable early career faculty to develop independent and productive research careers in gastroenterology and hepatology by ensuring protected time for research. An AGA RSA will provide you with the money and experience you need to continue your career as a clinical, translational or basic researcher. If this sounds like what you are looking for, visit our awards page for more specific eligibility requirements.
2. I conduct clinical research and have an idea for a new project. Does AGA fund clinical projects?
Yes, AGA accepts and funds all types of research including clinical, translational and basic science. You can get an idea of the types of research AGA has recently funded from the following articles:
3. Do I have to include a career development plan with my application?
Applicants for the Research Scholar Award must include a career development plan. In addition, their research mentors should also address career development in their letters of support. More details including page limits can be found in our AGA Research Grants FAQ resource, and within the downloadable application template for each AGA award.
4. I noticed there are eligibility restrictions if I have a related grant. How do I know if my other grants make me ineligible?
If you already have funding for research that overlaps with the project you plan to submit to AGA, you may be ineligible to apply. In addition, if you already hold a career development award like an NIH K award or junior faculty award from another association or foundation, you may be ineligible for the AGA Research Scholar Award. Please refer to our award policies and be sure to contact AGA at [email protected] with any questions.
5. If I am over the page limits or if I forget to upload a document, will my application be disqualified?
AGA screens all applications for compliance with page limits, formatting instructions and inclusion of all necessary documents. If your application is not compliant with the requirements detailed in the RFA and application, it may be immediately triaged and not reviewed. To ensure your application is compliant, begin the application early, triple check your application before submitting it, and contact AGA at [email protected] with questions in advance of the application deadline.
For other helpful tips when preparing your submission for an AGA grant or other funding, please read our 10 tips to help you get a research grant.
6. I saw that a budget justification narrative is required. Is that different from the budget worksheet?
Yes. The budget worksheet itemizes the project budget by year (e.g., principal investigator salary and benefits, other personnel, research supplies, etc.). Applicants must use the budget worksheet template provided by AGA. You may access the template here and a hyperlink is also provided within the application portal. In contrast, the budget narrative is a written justification of all itemized expenses (e.g., why a statistician is budgeted, why significant animal care expenses are budgeted, etc.). Each line item should be explained. There is no specific template or page limit for the budget narrative.
Best of luck as you prepare your submission.
- Ask your general questions in the AGA Community for fast response (personal questions can be emailed to [email protected])