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We need your help! Spread the word about AGA’s Young Guts

Applications for the AGA Young Guts Scholar Program are due May 16, 2023 .
Young Guts pink graphic
Young Guts pink graphic

Thanks to the continuous support of AGA member Harvey S. Young, MD, we are now accepting applications for the second annual AGA Young Guts Scholar Program.  

Designed to diversify and strengthen the pipeline of GI investigators and future leaders, this program awards undergraduate students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds with an exciting research opportunity during the academic year. Six recipients will receive grants to conduct hands-on research alongside an established AGA member, travel to Digestive Disease Week® to meet with renowned experts from around the world and receive complimentary AGA student membership. 

How you can help: 

  • Spread the word

    We need your help to reach talented undergraduate students from racial, ethnic and/or other groups traditionally underrepresented.

  • Congratulate the winners

    Celebrate the inaugural program recipients by sharing with your colleagues and on social media.

  • Become a mentor

    Consider becoming a mentor! Your students will also be able to apply for lab funding support.

AGA gratefully acknowledges the Dr. Harvey Young Education & Development Foundation for supporting this program. Dr. Harvey Young acknowledges Mrs. Ha Lin Yip Huang’s generous support of the Young Foundation which led to the Young Guts program.
Made possible by the
AGA Research Foundation

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