GI practices large and small understand great patient care is the foundation for success. They also know staying abreast of insightful business practices is critical as well. The 2019 AGA Partners in Value (PIV) conference, Oct. 4, 2019, in Chicago, provides large, medium and solo GI practices with management strategies that will make them profitable, keep them profitable, and help them navigate today’s complex and evolving health care world.
Save $200 on registration with the early bird discount through Aug. 6.
As an attendee, you will learn how to:
- Recruit the right staff to make your practice thrive.
- Incorporate new lines of service and new technologies into your practice.
- Collect the right data to drive results and profits for your practice.
- Navigate the dynamic regulatory environment so it supports rather than hinders your growth.
Whether you are a practice manager interested in staying up to date on the current GI business environment or a solo practitioner wondering how the emergence of artificial intelligence in GI will impact your practice, 2019 PIV can position you to succeed.