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New guidance: management of ICIs and bariatric surgery in cirrhosis patients

Gastroenterology publishes two new AGA Clinical Practice Updates.

AGA has released two new Clinical Practice Updates in the March issue of Gastroenterology and Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CGH) providing best practice advice in the diagnosis and management of immune checkpoint inhibitor colitis and hepatitis, and bariatric surgery in cirrhosis.

In Gastroenterology, the AGA Clinical Practice Update on Diagnosis and Management of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Colitis and Hepatitis: Expert Review, the authors provide guidance on the gastrointestinal and hepatic toxicities of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) and provide best practice advice on their diagnosis and management.

In the short video below, lead author Michael Dougan, MD, PhD, from Massachusetts General Hospital, highlights the best practice advice statements to address key issues in clinical management of these patients:

The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity and severe obesity among U.S. adults is 42.2% and 9.2%, respectively. The AGA Clinical Practice Update on Bariatric Surgery in Cirrhosis: Expert Review in CGH provides best practices to help you in caring for patients with chronic liver disease and obesity. It also offers guidance for bariatric surgical programs evaluating patients with advanced liver fibrosis and for liver transplant programs aiming to optimize long-term outcomes in candidates with significant obesity.

Heather Patton, MD, from San Diego VA Health Care System, gives insight into the development of this Clinical Practice Update in the video below.

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