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Leveraging consumer technology in gastroenterology practice

Dr. Michael Docktor describes the myriad digital tools that gastroenterologists and patients are now using.
Screen grab from a video of doctor speaking
Screen grab from a video of doctor speaking

In an interview at the 2019 AGA Tech Summit, Michael Docktor, MD, a pediatric gastroenterologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and AGA Center for GI Innovation and Technology committee member, explains how consumer technology is entering GI practices.

Watch the brief video below where he discusses the value of patient-facing applications that provide data that can be used by both patients and their physicians to better understand the disease. These data can help in diagnosis and management and give the GI doctor a “window into the 99% of the time that they aren’t with the patient.” Other apps can build a timeline of the disease and help the patient get a better understanding of their disease and learn to distinguish a flare from a bad day with poor food choices. 

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AGA Center for GI Innovation and Technology

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