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Get to know our new publications editors-in-chief

Welcome Drs. Weinberg, Moayyedi, Kahi, Rustgi, Srinivasan and Adams.

We are proud to announce our publications newly appointed editors-in-chiefs (EICs) for three of our journals Gastroenterology, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology  (CGH), Gastro Hep Advances and our newspaper GI & Hepatology  News (GIHN). To help you get to know them, we’ve asked each of them a few questions about their new roles at their respective publications below. 


Co-Editors-in-chief (2022-2027)

Picture of David S. Weinberg, MD, MSc, AGAF
David S. Weinberg, MD, MSc, AGAF

Chairman, Department of Medicine
Audrey Weg Schaus and Geoffrey Alan Weg Chair in Medical Science at Fox Chase Cancer Center

Picture of Paul Moayyedi, BSc MB ChB PhD MPH FRCP FRCPC AGAF, FACG, CAGF

Audrey Campbell Chair of Ulcerative Colitis Research
Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute
McMaster University

Which topics do you think are currently of particular interest to the  Gastroenterology community? 

The wonderful thing about the Gastroenterology community is that it is so diverse. We think readers are most interested in research that changes our understanding of the pathogenesis of GI and hepatology diseases or that transforms their management. Our readers, regardless of background, are interested to understand how patient care influences the future direction of research and vice versa.  

What has been your favorite section of the journal and why? 

The answer to the first question tells you that our favorite sections are the ones where innovative research is published. The main section that pushes the boundaries of our understanding of disease is the original articles. Currently this section is divided into clinical and basic research, but we believe that both are important in our quest to improve care for GI and hepatology patients. It is important that basic scientists understand advances being made in clinical care and clinicians need to understand how basic science gives a richer understanding of pathogenesis of new therapies. We are also big fans of the commentary section where interesting ideas and insights are presented. Often, there may not be enough “meat” for a full paper, but the insights can provide a road map for future research. 

Describe the ideal submission. 

Our ideal submission would be an article that the readership would find a “must read” story. The article needs to clearly explain to both clinicians and researchers why this paper is relevant to GI and/or liver disease. Elena Verdu on our board of editors summed it up succinctly: we want “the first word or the final word.”  The top journal in the GI world should regularly be on the cutting edge. At the other end of the spectrum, there aren’t many articles that provide the defining evidence or the last piece to the puzzle, but Gastroenterology should try to be the home for the authoritative reports that become the reference standard. 

What are you most looking forward to in this role? 

We are looking forward to this role with a huge amount of excitement, but also some trepidation. Doug Corley and Rick Peek have done an amazing job with Gastroenterology. We are excited to be part of history, taking a great journal and continuing to make it relevant for the next generation of clinicians and researchers. We both gravitate towards people that are smarter than us: no worries there! Every editor is a leader in their field. Each will contribute enormously to making the best GI journal in the world even better.

Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Editor-in-chief (2022-2027)

Picture of Charles J. Kahi, MD, MS, AGAF
Charles J. Kahi, MD, MS, AGAF

Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine at Indiana University

Which topics do you think are currently of particular interest to the CGH community? 

The journal has kept its finger on the pulse of the field and inquired about topics of interest to its primarily clinical GI readership via comprehensive surveys. The ones which have been particularly singled out are topics related to the gut microbiome, inflammatory bowel diseases, endoscopy, hepatology (notably non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), functional bowel disorders, obesity and colorectal cancer.     

What has been your favorite section of the journal and why? 

I may be biased, but my favorite section is Here and Now: Clinical Practice, for which I have been serving as associate editor. This section is a compendium of broadly relevant mini reviews, from endoscopic techniques and approaches to commonly encountered clinical problems, to the latest developments in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology. This has been a dynamic role, requiring reaching out to experts across GI subspecialties to query about hot topics, and often incorporating up-to-the-minute contributions. 

Describe the ideal submission. 

The ideal submission is the one with sound methodology, broad clinical relevance and high citation potential. Good English expression also does not hurt, especially from the handling editor’s standpoint! 

What are you most looking forward to in this role? 

My immediate predecessor’s Drs. El-Serag and Kanwal have done amazing work for the journal and I look forward to continuing to push CGH to new heights. My overarching goal is to ensure CGH remains on top of clinically oriented GI journals, and a core resource for its broad, diverse, and international readership, namely GI clinicians at all career stages, clinical investigators, educators and trainees.    

Gastro Hep Advances

Co-Editors-in-chief (2022-2027)

Picture of Vinod K. Rustgi MD, MBA
Vinod K. Rustgi MD, MBA

Distinguished Professor of Medicine and GI Fellowship Program Director
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Rutgers University

Picture of Shanthi Srinivasan, MD
Shanthi Srinivasan, MD

R. Bruce Logue Chair in Digestive Diseases
Professor of Medicine and Director, Division of Digestive Diseases at Emory University School of Medicine

Which topics do you think are currently of particular interest to the Gastro Hep Advances  readership/community?  

We feel the topics of interest to the Gastro Hep Advances community are related to upcoming areas of interest such as artificial intelligence, bioinformatics and machine learning, We hope Gastro Hep Advances can showcase the latest research in Gastroenterology and Hepatology and highlight key areas with review articles on cutting edge technologies (like CRISPR-Cas9), nanotechnology, and drug delivery.  We want to encourage junior faculty and trainees to submit to this journal and would like to foster an easy pathway for authors to present their work with the community of AGA journals.

What has been your favorite section of Gastro Hep Advances and why?  

Our favorite sections of the journals will be the invited reviews from leading authorities in the specific areas as well the clinical translational and basic science original articles related to important areas in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Describe the ideal submission.  

We feel an ideal submission is topical, clearly written, appeals to a broad audience, and is presented well with schematics and graphical abstracts.

What are you most looking forward to in this role?  

In this role we are hoping to build the reputation of this new online journal and partner with all the other AGA journal to help facilitate the easy and fast dissemination of information.  We hope to provide an outstanding online platform for the dissemination of current views and research in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

GI & Hepatology News

Editor-in-chief (2022-2027)

Picture of Megan A. Adams, MD, JD, MSc
Megan A. Adams, MD, JD, MSc

Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Michigan

Which topics do you think are currently of particular interest to the GI & Hepatology News readership/community?  

GI & Hepatology News is widely regarded as an outstanding, source of high-yield, clinically relevant information for busy GI practitioners, both in community and academic practice. Therefore, updates regarding newly published AGA clinical guidelines, practice updates and related commentary are particularly valuable to GIHN readers. Other topics of special interest include GI clinical practice transformation in the wake of COVID-19 (e.g., virtual care expansion), precision medicine and emerging technologies in artificial intelligence, provider health and wellness, and GI health care disparities and related initiatives. 

What has been your favorite section of GIHN and why?  

As an avid GI & Hepatology News reader, I have always appreciated the thoughtful commentaries contributed by experts in the field that put study findings into context, highlight controversies in the field and outline how study findings can best impact the frontline clinical care of our patients. I also am eager to read current GIHN EIC Dr. Allen’s monthly Letters from the Editor, which provide helpful insights regarding emerging practice trends as well as reflections on current events, from expansion of private equity in GI to condemnation of racial injustice in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis. 

Describe the ideal submission.  

Unlike traditional journals such as Gastroenterology and CGH, GI & Hepatology News has a team of professional writers who contribute articles and therefore does not accept independent submissions. However, the newspaper’s content is carefully vetted by our editorial board to ensure that each article contains information and/or findings that have direct clinical relevance to frontline clinical practice. In this way, we can best serve the busy practitioner, who desires high-yield information that can be immediately applied to improve patient care and inform practice management. 

What are you most looking forward to in this role?  

GI & Hepatology News is unique among AGA’s flagship publications in that it is designed to bring together content from a variety of sources, including innovative scientific research from leading academic journals, practice management updates and information regarding emerging policy initiatives impacting frontline GI practice. It also provides a platform to highlight AGA’s important work on behalf of its members. The opportunity to work with an outstanding team of associate editors and AGA and Frontline staff to curate this diverse content to inform our readers is what I most look forward to as incoming EIC. 

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