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Get to know Dr. John Carethers, AGA’s first Black president

Five fun facts, plus Dr. Carethers talks about the three-term presidential emphasis on colon cancer screening.
John Carethers Header Image
John Carethers Header Image

On June 1, John Carethers, MD, AGAF, became AGA Institute President distinguishing him as the association’s first Black president. AGA is committed to a world where diversity in GI leadership is the norm and we are thrilled to have such an esteemed leader at our helm. 

Get to know Dr. Carethers as he chats with DDW TV about his goals as this year’s president and the strong emphasis the role will have for colon cancer screening initiatives and programs stretching to 2023.

Five fun facts about Dr. Carethers

  • John was born into a large family and is the tenth out of 12 children.
  • He’s a proud father of four young women affectionately known as “The Carethers girls”.
  • Carethers spent 15 years in San Diego before heading back to his home state of Michigan.
  • His nickname “The Rock” came from his medical school classmates for his ability to study anywhere and not move for hours.
  • Mentorship is very important to him. Dr. Carethers’ list of mentored students and fellows is 8 pages long and includes numerous success stories.


Learn more about our president in this Gastroenterology commentary.

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