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Call for papers: Endoscopy clinical studies

Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CGH) invites endoscopy-related original research articles for our June 2022 focused issue.
Digital image of the interior of a surgery room in a hospital without any people
Digital image of the interior of a surgery room in a hospital without any people

The past decade has seen several important technological advances in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy. Innovative methods and devices have markedly increased our understanding of various disease states. These discoveries have emphasized the need for further research to define mechanistic actions, new interventions and advanced approaches for screening and prevention. CGH invites you to submit your high-impact studies, highlighting novel pathways for endoscopic procedures.

To be included in this new focused issue and related promotional activities, articles must be received by Nov. 15, 2021. Full-length original research articles and research letters are welcome. Standard author guidelines are available here. For more information, please contact the Senior Managing Editor, Thoba Petrovic ([email protected]).

Submit your article through CGH’s streamlined online submission system:

Accepted articles will be published online within days of acceptance and will be automatically deposited in PubMed Central, where they will be fully searchable and citable. All manuscripts submitted will go through the standard peer-review process — acceptance will be based on scientific merit, quality of research, novelty and clinical relevance to our readers. Articles will then be placed into an online collection which will receive special promotion from AGA, making the content highly visible to the research and practice community, before appearing in our special themed issue in June 2022.

While there is no guarantee of acceptance, authors of rejected articles will be given an opportunity to transfer their manuscript to another journal in AGA’s portfolio, Techniques and Innovations in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (TIGE), for further consideration.

Why publish in CGH?

  • Highly regarded: Ranks eighth out of 92 gastroenterology and hepatology journals, with an impact factor of 11.382.
  • Speed: Rapid review process from knowledgeable referees; articles are published online within days of acceptance.
  • Rigorous and fair: By and for clinicians and researchers, with support from AGA and Elsevier.

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