There’s a lot of great research to digest in AGA’s Gastroenterology and Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CGH), but finding time to sit down with the journals continues to be a challenge for many busy clinicians.
Quickly catch up – and stay up to date – on the latest clinical advances with a subscription to the AGA Clinician’s Companion. Published quarterly, each issue includes 1-2 page article summaries of the top articles published in Gastroenterology and CGH, along with a bulleted list of action items, future implications and key figures. Each editor-curated issue is categorized by disease state, making it easy for you to access the exact information you need when you need it.
Download a free sample of the spring 2022 issue to see how this innovative product will help you keep track of best practices without feeling overwhelmed.
Like what you see? Subscribe for $59/year and discover recent highlights for IBD, colon, esophageal, stomach and pancreas/biliary tract disorders.