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Access to digestive disease research funding is at risk

Congress is proposing to restructure NIH and eliminate NIDDK, making it harder for you and your colleagues to receive GI research funding.
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Money Droplet Beaker

New language in the fiscal year 2025 funding bill from the House Committee on Appropriations includes a concerning proposal that would directly impact gastroenterology: a restructuring of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This proposal would consolidate the NIH from 27 institutes down to 15.

How does this impact GI?

The consolidation would merge the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) with two others to form a new institute: the National Institute on Body Systems Research.

Why does this matter?

This will negatively impact gastroenterology research in significant ways. Competing with more disease states will make it harder for you and your colleagues to fund critical research.

What's next?

We’ve submitted a request for information to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce to advocate against this consolidation.

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