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2019 Freston Conference announces new travel awards

Earn $1,500 in travel awards for the 2019 Freston Conference: Food at the Intersection of Gut Health and Disease.

The course directors of AGA’s James W. Freston Single Topic Conference: Food at the Intersection of Gut Health and Disease are pleased to announce the offering of 20 travel awards of $1,500 each for early career investigators and trainees (students, post-doctoral fellows, residents, clinical fellows and those of who’ve completed their terminal research degree or end of post-graduate clinical training within the last 10 years) to attend the meeting, Aug. 9-10, in Chicago.

Selection of the awards will be done by the course directors based on the review of applicants: 

    • Personal statement.
    • CV or resume.
    • A letter of recommendation from a mentor, division chief or department chair.

Submission deadline is July 10, 2019. Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.

Save $100 if you register for the Freston Conference by July 31.

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