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Physicians & Scientists Outside of North America

Physicians & Scientists Outside of North America

Membership is open to physicians, surgeons, scientists and other persons residing outside North America who meet one or more of the following criteria and have one of the following degrees or certifications (MD, PhD, ScD, DVM, DO or equivalent):
  • A physician or scientist with a faculty appointment in gastroenterology.
  • Published articles clearly related to gastroenterology in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Completed an analogous postgraduate training program outside of North America in gastroenterology.
  • A demonstrated professional commitment to gastroenterology, such as through membership in a national society with a special interest in peer-reviewed gastroenterology, specialized practice or function in gastroenterology, research, participation in training of physicians in gastroenterology, or other evidence as may be applicable.


Annual dues*

$450 Annual dues*
Corresponding I: $205
Corresponding II: $55
Affiliate memberships: $40

Application fee: $40 | $25 | $25

AGA offers GI physicians and scientists the option to join as an International Member to receive journals online or if residing in certain countries (based on World Bank Country Classification) the option to join as an International Corresponding Member for reduced dues. There is also the option to become an International Affiliate Member for only $40 per year.

GI physicians and scientists who reside outside of North America and wish to receive benefits that include online journal access (additional print opt-in available) as well as discounts to Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) can join as International members.

Corresponding members receive the same benefits as Physicians & Scientists in North America members with the exception that journal subscriptions are online only. If your country of residence is listed below, you are eligible to choose from the following International Corresponding membership types:
  • Category I – $205*
  • Category II – $55*
Residents of Mexico please view your options. * Application fee ($25) is nonrefundable.

Eligible Countries

AGA is dedicated to providing resources for gastroenterologists around the world. As part of this mission, we introduced an international tiered dues structure that gives members in developing countries membership at a reduced rate. The reduced dues eligibility is determined using the World Bank’s country classifications. The list of eligible countries is updated annually prior to billing for the upcoming year’s dues.

International Corresponding Membership

Residents of Mexico please view your options. * Application fee ($25) is nonrefundable.

Category I — Countries in International Corresponding Member

Albania Denmark Korea, Rep. Romania
Algeria Dominica Kosovo Russian Federation
American Samoa Dominican Republic Kuwait San Marino
Andorra Ecuador Latvia Saudí Arabia
Antigua and Barbuda El Salvador Libya Serbia
Argentina Equatorial Guinea Liechtenstein Seychelles
Armenia Estonia Lithuania Singapore
Aruba Faroe Islands Luxembourg Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Australia Fiji Macao SAR, China Slovak Republic
Austria Finland Malaysia South Africa
Azerbaijan France Maldives Spain
Bahamas, The French Polynesia Malta St. Kitts and Nevis
Bahrain Gabon Marshall Islands St. Lucia
Barbados Georgia Mauritius St. Martin (French part)
Belarus Germany México St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Belgium Gilbraltar Moldova Suriname
Belize Greece Mónaco Sweden
Bermuda Greenland Montenegro Switzerland
Bosnia and Herzegovina Grenada Namibia Taiwan, China
Botswana Guam Nauru Thailand
Brazil Guatamala Netherlands Tonga
British Virgin Islands Guyana New Caledonia Trinidad and Tobago
Bulgaria Hong Kong SAR, China New Zealand Türkiye
Canada Hungary North Macedonia Turkmenistan
Cayman Islands Iceland Northern Mariana Islands Turks and Caicos Islands
Channel Islands Indonesia Norway Tuvalu
Chile Iran, Islamic Rep. Oman United Arab Emirates
China Iraq Palau United Kingdom
Colombia Ireland Panama Uraguay
Costa Rica Isle of Man Paraguay Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Croatia Israel Peru
Cuba Italy Poland
Curaçao Jamaica Portugal
Cyprus Japan Puerto Rico
Czechia Kazakhstan Qatar

Category II — Countries in International Corresponding Member

Afghanistan Haiti Philippines
Angola Honduras Rwanda
Bangladesh India Samoa
Benin Jordan São Tomé and Principe
Bhutan Kenya Senegal
Bolivia Kiribati Sierra Leone
Burkina Faso Korea, Dem. People’s Rep Solomon Islands
Burundi Kyrgyz Republic Somalia
Cabo Verde Lao PDR South Sudan
Cambodia Lebanon Sri Lanka
Cameroon Lesotho Sudan
Central African Republic Liberia Syrian Arab Republic
Chad Madagascar Tajikstan
Comoros Malawi Tanzania
Congo, Dem. Rep Mali Timor-Leste
Congo, Rep. Mauritania Togo
Côte d’Ivoire Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tunisia
Djibouti Morocco Uganda
Egypt, Arab Rep. Mozambique Ukraine
Eritrea Myanmar Uzbekistan
Eswatini Nepal Vanuatu
Ethopia Nicaragua Vietnam
Gambia, The Niger West Bank and Gaza
Ghana Nigeria Yemen, Rep.
Guinea Pakistan Zambia
Guinea-Bissau Papua New Guinea Zimbabwe

Affiliate members receive the same benefits as international members with the following exceptions: (1) Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) savings are not included and (2) journals may be purchased separately at a discounted rate:

  • Gastroenterology: $304/year
  • Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology: $65/year

Please indicate your selection of journals on your application for membership.
Apply Now

Stay up to date with the latest GI news and research. *Note: Online subscriptions for international members, category I & II. Subscriptions not included for international affiliate members (available for purchase at a discount).
Connect and engage with colleagues who share your passions and face similar challenges.
  • Section affiliations: Thirteen special interest groups. AGA members can join up to six.
  • Committees: Groups of volunteer members assigned a mission and set of responsibilities associated with a particular area within the association. You must apply or be nominated for a committee appointment.
  • Academy of Educators: The home for educators within AGA.
  • Social media: Interact with AGA through a variety of social networks.
  • AGA website: Access members-only resources and stay connected all day, every day.
  • AGA Young Delegates: A group of engaged GIs gaining experience through work on short-term AGA initiatives.

Improve your skill set with access to a variety of educational opportunities offered free or at a discount.

  • Digestive Disease Week® (DDW): The world’s largest gathering of GI professionals and one of the top 50 medical meetings.
  • AGA Postgraduate Course: AGA Institute’s flagship educational course covering both basic science and clinical topics.
  • DDSEP®: A diverse learning platform that allows you to prepare for the GI board exam, assess your knowledge and keep current on GI advances.
  • AGA University: Your home for in-person meetings, webinars and other educational tools designed to help you stay current with advances in the GI field.

Save money by taking advantage of free journal subscriptions and special pricing on meetings and education.


Join AGA and Save

GI & Hepatology News-$230
AGA Postgraduate Course-$175
 Total Savings: $2,249

Journal prices are 2022 rates.

Roughly 25% of all AGA members live outside the U.S. This is a significant demographic of AGA membership and one that AGA is very interested in expanding.

International AGA members live in 108 countries all over the world. The chart below shows the number of AGA members from each country (as of June 2017):

United Kingdom191Mexico190Germany167
Israel69Republic of Korea57Thailand57
Iran29New Zealand29Greece27
Saudi Arabia21Norway19Austria18
Hong Kong18Philippines18Türkiye18
South Africa16Portugal14United Arab Emirates14
Poland13Czech Republic12Guatemala12
Chile11Dominican Republic11Ecuador11
Serbia7El Salvador6Honduras6
Iraq3Korea, DR3Latvia3
Slovenia3Sri Lanka3Uruguay3
Brunei Darussalam2Bulgaria2Costa Rica2
Iceland2Netherlands Antilles2Palestine2
Bermuda1Bosnia and Herzegovina1Botswana1
Cameroon1Cote d’Ivoire1Croatia1
Slovakia1Trinidad and Tobago1Uzbekistan1
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Contact AGA member relations at 301-654-2055 or email