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Physicians & Scientists in Mexico

Gastroenterologists in Mexico have the following membership options:

Membership is open to physicians, surgeons, scientists and other persons residing in North America (U.S., Canada and Mexico) who have: a demonstrated, continued interest in gastroenterology and have appropriate qualifications, certification and/or credentials in gastroenterology, gastroenterology education and/or graduate training (MD, PhD, ScD, DVM, DO or equivalent).


Annual Dues*

$145 | $245 | $295

Tiered dues offered to early career members

*See prorated dues chart


Application Fee: $40

Corresponding members receive the same benefits as Physicians & Scientists in North America with the exception that journal subscriptions are online only.

Eligible Countries

AGA is dedicated to providing resources for gastroenterologists around the world. As part of this mission, we introduced a new international tiered dues structure that gives members in developing countries access to full international membership benefits at a reduced rate. The reduced dues eligibility is determined using the World Bank’s country classifications. The list of eligible countries is updated annually prior to billing for the upcoming year’s dues. If your country of residence is listed below, you are eligible to choose from the following membership types:

International Corresponding Membership

  • Category I – $205*
  • Category II – $55*
* Application fee ($25) is nonrefundable.

Category I — Countries in International Corresponding Member

Albania Georgia Peru
American Samoa Grenada Romania
Angola Guyana Russia
Argentina Iraq Serbia
Azerbaijan Jamaica South Africa
Belarus Kazakhstan St. Lucia
Bosnia and Herzego Kosovo St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Botswana Lebanon Suriname
Brazil Libya Thailand
Bulgaria Macedonia Turkey
China Malaysia Turkmenistan
Colombia Maldives Tuvalu
Costa Rica Marshall Islands Venezuela
Croatia Mauritius
Cuba Mexico
Dominica Moldova
Dom. Republic Montenegro
Ecuador Namibia
Equatorial Guine Palau
Fiji Panama
Gabon Paraguay

Category II — Countries in International Corresponding Member

Afghanistan Guinea-Bisau Philippines
Algeria Haiti Rwanda
Angola Honduras Samoa
Armenia India Sao Tome & Principe
Bangladesh Indonesia Senegal
Benin Iran Sri Lanka
Belize Jordan
Bhutan Kenya Sierra Leone
Bolivia Kiribati Solomon Islands
Burkina Faso Korea, Dem. Rep. Somalia
Burundi Kyrgyz Republic South Sudan
Cabo Verde Laos Sudan
Cambodia Lesotho Swaziland
Cameroon Liberia Syrian Arab Republic
Cent. African Republic Madagascar Tajikstan
Chad Malawi Tanzania
Comoros Mali Timor-Leste
Congo, Dem. Rep. Mauritania Togo
Congo, Rep. Micronesia Tonga
Cote D’Ivoire Mongolia Tunisia
Djibouti Morocco Uganda
Egypt Mozambique Ukraine
El Salvador Myanmar Uzbekistan
Eritrea Nepal Vanautu
Ethiopia Nicaragua Vietnam
Gambia Niger West Bank & Gaza
Ghana Nigeria Yemen
Guatemala Pakistan Zambia
Guinea Papua New Guinea Zimbabwe
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Contact AGA member relations at 301-654-2055 or email [email protected].