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Referencing AGA clinical guidance

Please follow these instructions when referencing AGA clinical guidance in your company’s marketing materials.

For industry: how to reference AGA clinical guidance in promotional materials

We recognize AGA guidelines, clinical practice updates and other clinical documents may provide an important citation in your company’s marketing materials. Please follow the instructions below when referencing AGA guidance. 

All promotional materials must be sent to for approval prior to release.

AGA logos are not permitted on branded materials. 

Your materials should: 

  • Include the AGA guideline recommendation, best practice advice statement, or other reference point you wish to include, in its entirety, as printed, without any modification to the text. 
  • Note: AGA Clinical Practice Updates never include “recommendations” but rather evidence-based best practice advice statements or expert opinion. 
  • Include proper citation to the paper. 

To ensure accurate representation of our guidance, the following is prohibited: 

  • Making any statement that implies that an AGA guideline or clinical practice update recommends a product or product groups (drugs or devices) that the document did not, in fact, recommend.
  • Misquoting any recommendation, best practice advice statement, or supporting text, for example rewording, being selective with wording, omitting key qualifiers, and taking phrases out of context. 
  • Including a secondary source of information in materials that misquotes or miscites AGA guidelines or clinical practice updates. 
  • Stating that products are recommended, advised, and/or endorsed by AGA.