AGA Family of Websites:
Clinical Practice Update

Management of inflammatory bowel disease in patients with malignancy

Experts discuss the risks of various malignancies in patients with IBD and the impact of the available medical therapies on these risks.

Guideline Tool kits

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Similar to patients without IBD, those with IBD are at similar risk for sporadic cancers and age-appropriate screening guidelines should be followed. Patients with IBD are at an increased risk of cancer from long-standing intestinal inflammation and/or the use of immunosuppressive therapies to treat IBD. As the population of patients with IBD ages, there is an increasing risk of cancer development. Many of these patients will require cancer treatment and many will require further treatment for their IBD. Much remains unknown regarding the interaction between IBD, IBD medications, and cancer treatment, and the risk of cancer recurrence in patients with IBD and a personal history of cancer. It is hoped that with further research and real-world experience, cancer risks in patients with IBD will be further elucidated as they relate to specific cancer types and specific drugs used to treat IBD.


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