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AGA Nominating Committee

This Organizational Statement was last revised by the Governing Board, November 2015.


To select future AGA officers, councillors and the following year’s nominating committee who reflect the scope and diversity of the membership and who are able to support and foster AGA’s strategic directives.

Committee Functions

The nominating committee:

  • Will meet or teleconference with the presidential officers by the fall of each year to review the Strategic Plan and programs in order to understand the nature and extent of AGA operations, its strategic directions and the leadership qualities needed for members of the governing board.
  • Will oversee an active and public solicitation of members interested in being nominated; the committee may specify areas of expertise or qualities sought for a nominee, but in no case may it alter the requirements of the bylaws. The committee is specifically charged with fostering ethnic and gender diversity in all nominations and shall report annually to the governing board on its efforts and successes.
  • Will prepare a report specifying only those selected as candidates for specific offices, the solicitation process and mechanisms, and the general needs of AGA for leadership qualities and expertise sought to be filled by the aforesaid nominations.
  • May create internal rules, policies and processes for its work, provided that they are of general applicability and are approved in advance by the governing board.
  • Will maintain the confidentiality of interested members, nominators, supporters and committee deliberations; only those nominated by the committee will be made public.
  • Perform other functions as assigned by the governing board.

Responsibilities of the Committee Chair

  • To provide active leadership of the committee to assure that all interested members are given full and fair consideration and that nominees reflect the needs of AGA and are fully qualified and prepared to make the commitment of time and energy.
  • To convene and direct committee meetings.
  • To ensure that committee activities are carried out in a timely and appropriate manner.
  • To prepare committee budgets, meeting agendas, minutes and reports.
  • To assign specific committee members to specific tasks.

Committee Structure

The composition of the committee is set forth in Article VI, Section 1 of the bylaws. The committee consists of 12 Regular or Senior members (including a chair): four members shall be appointed by the governing board within 60 days of the Annual Business Meeting, and six members shall be elected by ballot. The AGA chair shall serve as the committee chair without a vote except in the case of a tie. The president of the AGA Institute shall serve as a non-voting member of the committee.

One elected member shall be in private practice who is within 10 years of completing his or her GI fellowship training. One elected member shall be in basic or clinical research in an academic setting who is within 10 years of completing his or her GI fellowship training. Two elected/appointed members shall be in private practice.

Appointment terms for all committee members shall be for one year.

The committee chair is authorized to create small, temporary subgroups consisting of members and nonmembers of the committee to address policy development and oversight of specific issues within the committee’s mission. Costs of all such subgroups must be included in the committee’s approved budget.


The committee is authorized to hold one face-to-face meeting in January, and two teleconferences in the fall.


  • Barbara Jung, MD, AGAF, Chair
  • Jordan E. Axelrad, MD, MPH
  • Veroushka Ballester, MD, MS, AGAF
  • Bubu Banini, MD, PhD
  • Rajeev Jain, MD
  • Janese Laster, MD
  • Gerard E. Mullin, MD, AGAF
  • Joel H. Rubenstein, MD, FASGE
  • Priya K. Simoes, MD
  • Pooja Singhal, MD
  • Christopher S. Williams, MD, AGAF