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Don’t forget to preview your Physician Compare performance information by Aug. 20

The 60-day preview period to review your Physician Compare data ends Aug. 20 at 8 p.m. EDT / 5 p.m. PDT.
Exam and time management concepts with male hand holding pencil and paper sheet on table
Exam and time management concepts with male hand holding pencil and paper sheet on table

Take this opportunity to review your 2018 Quality Payment Program performance information before it is publicly reported on Physician Compare profile pages and in the Downloadable Database. 

You can access the secured measure preview through the Quality Payment Program website and use the Physician Compare Preview Period User Guide to learn how to preview your information. For additional help accessing the Quality Payment Program website, or obtaining your EIDM user role, contact the Quality Payment Program service center at [email protected]. Direct any questions about Physician Compare, public reporting or the 60-day Preview Period to [email protected].

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