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Cast your vote! AGA Nominating Committee and AGA Institute Council leadership

Submissions are due by April 3 and April 6, respectively.
Man putting a ballot into a voting box
Man putting a ballot into a voting box
AGA runs on volunteers and it’s time to choose your leaders for the next year. Elections are now open for the 2020-2021 AGA Nominating Committee and AGA Institute Council Section leadership cohort. Votes for the nominating committee must be submitted by April 3, 2020, and for the council leadership cohort by April 6, 2020. View more details for each below.
AGA Nominating Committee
AGA Nominating Committee members serve for one year and are responsible for selecting future officers and councillors for the AGA/AGA Institute as well as the members who are placed on the ballot for election to the AGA Nominating Committee for the following year. Submit your vote for the following candidates:
  • One basic research councillor
  • One practice councillor
  • One early career practice member of the 2020-2021 AGA Nominating Committee
  • One early career research member of the 2020-2021 AGA Nominating Committee
  • Four of the eight candidates for the 2020-2021 AGA Nominating Committee
  • Vote by April 3
AGA Institute Council
AGA Institute Council section leaders serve for two years as section vice chair and two years as section chair. During their tenure, they organize and oversee AGA activities at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW), are in charge of clinical and basic science programming initiatives and are heavily involved in choosing the James W. Freston Conference topic. Section nominating committees are elected members who work during their election year to adjudicate nominees received by their section. Section members: You can vote for the next vice chair and nominating committee members for section(s) in which you are affiliated. If you would like to update your affiliations, you can do so at the start of the election site. If you have any questions, please email council staff.
  • Basic & Clinical Intestinal Disorders (BCID)
  • Clinical Practice (CP)
  • Endoscopy, Technology & Imaging (ETI)
  • Immunology, Microbiology & Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IMIBD)
  • Liver & Biliary (LB): vice chair only
  • Microbiome & Microbial Therapy (MMT)
  • Obesity, Metabolism & Nutrition (OMN)
  • Vote by April 6

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