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Join AGA for international education opportunities at DDW 2024

International educational opportunities at DDW® 2024 highlight the best of GI practice and research from around the world.

AGA is offering several sessions at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2024 for international attendees. Participants will learn about the latest in medical, surgical and technological advances in practice. Find details below for events tailored for Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese speakers, as well as sessions held in partnership with the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology (JSGE) and United European Gastroenterology (UEG). You can search in the DDW Meeting Planner to learn more.

Best of AGA at DDW in Chinese

Saturday, May 18
8-9:30 a.m. ET
145A – Walter E. Washington Convention Center 

This session brings Chinese speaking experts together to provide a broad overview highlighting the best of AGA programming at DDW 2024.

Lo mejor de la DDW en español

Sunday, May 19
8-9:30 a.m. ET
146C – Walter E. Washington Convention Center

For “Lo Mejor de la DDW en español,” AGA has invited five experts in different fields to review and highlight selected abstracts presented at the meeting. María Inés Pinto-Sánchez (Mc Master University, Canada), Alberto Rubio Tapia (Cleveland Clinic, USA); Victoria Gomez (Mayo Clinic; USA), Juan Pablo Stefanolo (Hospital Udaondo; Argentina), and Jesús Kazuo Yamamoto Furusho (Instituto Salvador Zubirán, México) will discuss practical and valuable information on nutrition in GI diseases, celiac disease, GI endoscopy, neurogastroenterology and IBD, respectively.

Mauricio García Saenz de Sicilia and Edgardo Smecuol, MD, (co-chairs of the AGA’s International Subcommittee) will chair this exciting session.

O Melhor da DDW em Português

Monday, May 20
8-9:30 a.m. ET
202B – Walter E. Washington Convention Center

The main objective of ‘O Melhor da DDW em Português’ is to allow Portuguese-speaking participants to review concepts and learn about highlights of selected abstracts. Five expert speakers will discuss practical aspects of functional diseases, liver diseases, pancreatic diseases, IBD and endoscopy.

AGA-JSGE Joint Symposium

Monday, May 20
2-3:30 p.m. ET
151B – Walter E. Washington Convention Center

This session will discuss how AI is being applied and adopted in the clinical and research areas of gastroenterology. Learn how technologies in the U.S. and Japan are being applied to medical care, research, and education in the field.

Best of UEG Week 2023

Tuesday, May 21
10-11:30 a.m. ET
206 – Walter E. Washington Convention Center

AGA President Barbara Jung and UEG President Johannes-Matthias Löhr will moderate this session reviewing novel research that was presented at UEG Week 2023.

See what AGA has planned for
Digestive Disease Week®

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