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Freston Conference’s à la carte menu for solving food intolerances and food allergies

Early bird registrants can save up to $150 on attending the 2019 James W. Freston Conference: Food at the Intersection of Gut Health and Disease, Aug. 9-10, 2019, in Chicago, if they register by June 5.

When symptoms for food intolerance and food allergies are often identical, how do GI clinicians and allied health professionals identify differences so an appropriate patient care plan can be implemented? The 2019 James W. Freston Conference: Food at the Intersection of Gut Health and Disease, Aug. 9-10, 2019 in Chicago, will examine key differences and potential solutions for both conditions in learning sessions that will empower all GI practitioners to provide sound strategies for their patients. Early bird rates are in effect and you can save up to $150 if you register by June 5.

2019 Freston is bringing together a multidisciplinary audience of clinicians and allied health professionals interested in using diet and nutrition to help manage GI health and disease. On the conference’s opening day, Gerard Mullin, MD, MS, John Hopkins University, will moderate a session on food intolerances that examines the ingestion of glutens, FODMAPs and dairy products on the GI tract and delves into personalized nutrition, diet therapies for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and treatments for eosinophilic esophagitis. Ben Lebwohl, MD, MS, Columbia University, and John Leung, MD, Tufts University, will moderate a second session on food allergies that examines the mixed success for current testing methodologies as well as the impact of mast cell activation syndrome.

Additional conference sessions will examine:

    • How nutrition can help patients with irratble irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). 
    • Manage nutritional challenges for patients with surgically altered digestive tracts. 
    • Diagnostic and management approaches for treating Celiac and other wheat-related disorders.
    • Implementing nutrition management therapies.

Join like-minded practitioners and industry counterparts in Freston’s intimate environment designed to foster learning, networking and engagement. Register today to enjoy savings with early bird rates and learn more at

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