AGA Family of Websites:


Identify economical and pragmatic approach to diagnosing IBS and newest therapeutics (FODMAPS diet, pharmacologic therapies, etc.)


Outline the best usage of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatograms and ultrasounds within GI

Challenges in Celiac Disease

Evaluate controversies in the diagnosis of celiac disease and managing patients who don’t respond to a gluten free diet

Cirrhosis and Transplantation

Compare and contrast modalities to diagnose cirrhosis (including non-invasive tests), when to refer to a transplant center and current epidemiology of transplantation

Challenges in IBD

Differentiate UC versus Chron’s disease, knowing when to operate, post-operative management

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Identify clinicaopathology required for diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitis, and non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment options, particularly efficacy, dosing and side effects and therapies under investigation

Colorectal Cancer Syndromes

Discuss the consensus definitions of genetic syndromes associated with colorectal cancer, including FAP and HNPCC, when to suspect them, when to refer, and screening and surveillance protocols